02 Jul The Task Force Provides Input to OMB on Request for Information: Methods and Leading Practices for Advancing Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through Government
Posted at 10:38h
in Policy Communications
The Health Care Transformation Task Force filed comments on the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Executive Office of the President’s Request for Information on methods and practices for advancing equity and support for underserved communities (86 FR 24029).
Task Force Response Summary
- In seeking to advance equity and support for underserved communities, there are several themes that cut across the operational issues by which the RFI is organized. In addition to providing specific recommendations on tools and promising practices to achieve the goals of advancing equity, the Task Force provides overarching considerations, including 1) the need is greater now than ever for coordination within and across agencies; 2) investments are needed at the system level for value-based payments to achieve the goals of delivering patient-centered care, improved outcomes and reduced costs for all individuals; 3) assessing the impact of federal policies and programs on historically underserved populations requires an understanding of the multitude of factors that affect equitable access; and 4) there is much to be learned from past and present programs when designing new efforts.
- Equity Assessments and Strategies. The Task Force recommends tools that have been used in both the public and private sectors, and at varying levels of government, to assess potential negative and positive effects of programs, policies, and legislative actions. We also urge federal agencies to invest in data collection efforts that support program and policy evaluations, and to continually assess alternative payment models for their impacts on equity.
- Barrier and Burden Reduction. The Task Force cites several models at the federal and state levels where multiple agencies are working in coordination to reduce burden on both program beneficiaries and on program operations, and to improve efficiency in the delivery of supports that cut across different funding streams.
- Financial Assistance. Our comments include a number of recommendations for ways that the federal government can more efficiently and effectively channel funding opportunities to underserved communities in a more strategic way.
- Stakeholder and Community Engagement. The Task Force urges the adoption of strategies from current initiatives that are dedicated to creating meaningful models of stakeholder engagement, including robust representation on governing boards, patient-and-family advisory councils, and other vehicles.