The Health Care Transformation Task Force (HCTTF or Task Force) wrote to CMS to convey our members' feedback and highlight opportunities to improve the design and implementation of the Direct Contracting Model. HCTTF Offered the following recommendations Model Application Details: CMS should make the full details of...

The Health Care Transformation Task Force wrote to express opposition to H.R. 5741. In sum, the bill goes further than necessary to address legitimate concerns, will significantly hamper innovation through added administrative burden, and will give stakeholders new tools to slow innovation based on personal...

In this letter, the Task Force comment on the referenced Office of Inspector General, Department of Health & Human Services (OIG) proposed rule addressing the anti-kickback and civil monetary penalty laws (“Proposed Rule”). HCTTF recognizes that the OIG’s Proposed Rule is one part of a...

In this letter, the Task Force responds to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services' Oncology Care First model Request for Information (RFI). Task Force members have built, operated, and participated in various alternative payment models, including episodes of care models that engage specialists in...