CMS Innovation Center Payment Model Tracker

The Health Care Transformation Task Force developed a comprehensive resource for industry stakeholders that allows for easy review and tracking of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI or Innovation Center) payment models. This public-facing resource, the CMS Innovation Center Payment Model Tracker, compiles the most up-to-date information, including model characteristics, evaluations, recent announcements, and more, for all active (and inactive) CMMI payment models. The tracker is updated on a weekly basis using publicly available information on the CMMI models found at WWW.INNOVATION.CMS.GOV and is intended to serve as an aggregated and sortable overview of the major details of these models.

This resource is not intended to act as a substitute for any model guidance and communications from CMMI.  Users should reference the relevant CMMI model web page for the most up-to-date and accurate model information.

Download the Tracker

Last Updated: 7/1/2024

The Task Force has long supported CMMI and its work to develop innovative payment models that improve the quality of care for individuals and communities. Check out more of our CMMI advocacy work below:

  • Webinar: CMMI – Past, Present and Future: HCTTF hosted a webinar that reflected upon the successes, challenges, and lessons learned from CMMI’s first ten years. The webinar also assessed what former CMMI directors Rick Gilfillan and Brad Smith view as the Center’s key drivers to leverage current and future opportunities to advance value transformation.
  • HCTTF Impact Briefers: Championing the Move to Value-Based Care: HCTTF developed a series of Model Impact Briefers that tell the story of CMS’s value-based care successes during the last ten years and amplifies how value-based payment and care delivery is changing our nation’s delivery system for the better. These Impact Briefers cover the following value-based policies and models: MACRA, CMMI, ACOs, MSSP, Pioneer ACO, Next Generation ACO, BPCI-A, Diabetes Prevention Program, AIM ACO, CJR, and Maryland All-Payer Model.
  • The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation Can Be A Powerful Force To Accelerate Change, But Not Without Key Reforms: In 2020 HCTTF staff published a blog in Health Affairs that shares an overview of the first decade of CMMI, discusses challenges with current transformation efforts, and outlines principles for future innovation.