21 Oct Webinar: Medicare Advantage: Driving Value Through Advanced-Risk Primary Care
The Medicare Advantage program provides a unique platform to advance value-based payment and care delivery arrangements, including advanced risk opportunities for high-performing providers. It has also served as a foundation for building system-level resiliency during challenging times such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Health Care Transformation Task Force hosted a webinar on October 20, 2021 from 4-5pm ET that heard from two national payers on how they use value-based strategies to advance their business goals, and from a Texas provider who shared how his organization partners with both payers to best meet the needs of its MA enrollees through advanced risk arrangements.
Panelists Included:
- Eric Fennel: Vice President, National Network Innovation and Strategy, Aetna – A CVS company
- Oraida Ramon: Vice President, Value-Based Strategies, Humana
- Dr. Kevin Spencer: Chairman, Premier Family Physicians
- Jeff Micklos (Moderator): Executive Director, Health Care Transformation Task Force
In conjunction with the webinar, the Task Force released the Medicare Advantage Supplemental Benefits Briefer which details the legislation that established the range of MA supplemental benefits, the distinction between primarily health related supplemental benefits, Special Supplemental Benefits for the Chronically Ill (SSBCI), and COVID-19 related benefits. The briefer can be found here.
View the Recording Here
Originally Broadcasted on October 20, 2021