03 Aug HCTTF Statement Regarding the COVID-19 Health Care Response and Resiliency Program
Statement by Jeff Micklos, Executive Director, Health Care Transformation Task Force
The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare the limitations of an antiquated fee-for-service (FFS) health care system. The health care industry is learning important lessons from this public health emergency, and it is essential that payment and care delivery models continue to improve to make our system more resilient and sustainable going forward.
The Health Care Transformation Task Force believes that proper incentives are critical to accelerating the move by payers and providers to value-based payment and care delivery models, and those voluntarily choosing that path should be recognized for their commitment to necessary change.
Although the CARES Act provided needed financial relief to numerous providers harmed by this pandemic, many others similarly harmed and actively participating in value-based payment models, including primary care practices, have yet to receive emergency support.
Due to the underlying FFS architecture employed by many Medicare models, the pioneers of value-based payment who committed to value transformation long ago are still experiencing financial hardship despite having revolutionized the way they furnish care. The ability of these pioneers to seamlessly furnish value-based care during the pandemic will be viewed as a positive in an otherwise dire situation.
In any future financial support provided during this pandemic, policymakers should recognize and better support those providers that have already shown a commitment to a more resilient and sustainable health care system through their dedication to value-based payment and care delivery models. For longer term health care system resiliency, policymakers should also take steps to utilize every federal payment program change to better incentivize both payers and providers to move in the direction of advanced risk sharing models and more equitable care.
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About the Health Care Transformation Task Force
Health Care Transformation Task Force is a unique collaboration of patients, payers, providers and purchasers working to lead a sweeping transformation of the health care system. By transitioning to value-based models that support better health, better care and lower costs, the Task Force is committed to accelerating the transformation to value in health care.