02 Feb The Task Force Joins NAACOS and Other Organizations in a Statement to Congress on the Importance of Supporting APMs as a Part of Securing the Hospital Insurance Trust Fund and Future of Medicare Financing
The Health Care Transformation Task Force, together with eight other organizations, signed onto a statement submitted by the National Association of ACOs (NAACOS) to the U.S Senate Committee on Finance, Subcommittee on Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Growth, regarding the Hearing on the Hospital Insurance Trust Fund and the Future of Medical Financing.
The statement expresses support for value-based payment arrangements and Alternative Payment Models (APMs) as a foundational tool for prolonging the solvency of the Medicare Trust Fund. The statement highlights data showing APMs ability to lower Medicare costs, improve the quality of care, and improve patients experiences of care. The signers recommend the Committee support the bipartisan Value in Health Care Act, which includes policies that would make it more feasible for providers to participate in APMs, and by extension, support continued solvency of the Hospital Insurance Trust Fund and the future of Medicare financing.