05 May The Task Force Provides Input on a Potential CAHPS Survey to Assess Patients’ Maternal Health Care Experiences
Posted at 11:25h
in Policy Communications
The Task Force responded to the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality’s (AHRQ) Request for Information (RFI) to gather input for the design of a potential Consumer Assessment of Health Providers and Systems (CAHPS) survey to assess patients’ experiences with maternity care. The Task Force’s comments focus on the need to better assess the experience of respectful care that is attentive to a birthing person’s preferences through the prenatal, childbirth, and postpartum stages. Further, the comments emphasize that any survey developed should include assessments of the availability of, use, and experiences with community-based models of maternity care.
The Task Force’s comments respond to the following RFI questions:
- What are the highest priority aspects of patient experiences with prenatal and childbirth health care that should be asked about in a survey?
- For which prenatal and childbirth health care settings should measures and/or surveys be developed?
- What challenges are there to collecting information about patient experiences with prenatal and childbirth health care?
- What actions or approaches would facilitate the collection of information about the experience of patients with prenatal and childbirth health care?
- Which survey measures that assess prenatal and/or childbirth care experiences are currently being used?