05 Feb Webinar: Consumer Engagement in Benefit Design
Incorporating the holistic consumer perspective into health insurance benefit structures is a critical step toward a true value-driven health care system. True systemic transformation requires redesign that puts consumers at the center of every part of the care redesign process. The Health Care Transformation Task Force recently released six principles to guide payers, purchasers, and providers in their efforts to better integrate consumer needs and preferences into care design. This webinar provided insight into the intended utilization of the principles by commercial payers in the pursuit of value-based payment and insurance design.
- Dr. Hoangmai (Mai) Pham, Vice President of Provider Alignment Solution, Anthem
- Dr. Mark Fendrick, Director, Value-Based Insurance Design Center, University of Michigan School of Public Health
- Jeff Micklos, Executive Director, Health Care Transformation Task Force
Listen to Webinar Recording
View HCTTF Presentation Slides
View VBID Presentation Slides
Originally Broadcast on February 5, 2019