21 Aug Task Force Provides Input on CMS Proposed Rulemaking on CY 2018 Updates to the Quality Payment Program
The HCTTF supports the policies of MACRA and moving Medicare payment for physician services to a value-based formula that focuses on quality, resource use, clinical practice improvement, and meaningful use of certified EHR technology under the Medicare Incentive Payment System. As a major proponent of value-based care furnished through alternate payment models, the HCTTF also supports the opportunity for qualifying physicians to benefit from participating in Advanced APMs with both Medicare and other payers.
The Task Force also anticipated that CMS would implement a new voluntary bundled payment model for CY 2018 and beyond, where the model would be designed to meet the criteria to be an Advanced APM under the Quality Payment Program. We urge CMS to finalize this model and to provide additional opportunities for willing APM entities to adopt payment reforms that promote a competitive marketplace for value-based health care and allow health care organizations to move health care payment from a system that rewards volume of services to one that rewards value of care.
Read the letter for the Task Force full recommendations and refinements.
Read the letter here
Letter submitted on August 16, 2017