13 Oct Webinar: Focus on State Reform Efforts
The Task Force hosted part one in our “Achieving Value Through Transformation” webinar series examining the Medicaid Delivery System Reform Incentive Program (DSRIP) waiver program in the context of evolving state-level delivery system reform innovations.
In 2014, the Obama administration offered a new opportunity for states to implement broad scale state-level payment reforms via a Medicaid waiver titled the “Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment Program.” Many states, including New York, California, Massachusetts, and Texas, received DSRIP waivers which set ambitious system transformation goals centered on improving community-level collaboration, improving clinical care and outcomes, and effectively managing population health. While many of these DSRIP waivers have ended, there are tremendous lessons to be learned from states’ experiences as they continue to pursue state-level payment and delivery reforms.
The October 13 webinar featured an overview of the DSRIP waiver history, before doing a deep dive into the experience of New York State. Panelists discussed the early days of the DSRIP implementation, how the DSRIP waiver was designed to align with broader administration priorities, and innovative ways in which New York participants leveraged the funding opportunity. In addition to focusing on New York’s story, panelists spoke to the implications of this model for ongoing innovation in Medicaid and other state-based delivery system reforms.
Panelists Include:
· Eliot Fishman, Senior Director of Health Policy, Families USA
· Hope Glassberg, President, Decipher Health Strategies
· Shari Suchoff, Vice President for Population Health and Government Relations, Maimonides Medical Center
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