30 May HCTTF and Leading Industry Groups Urge CMS to Expand Next Generation ACO Model
WASHINGTON (May 30, 2019) – The Health Care Transformation Task Force (HCTTF or Task Force) and other health care industry leaders today called on the Department of Health and Human Services to expand the duration and scope of the Next Generation ACO model to be a permanent, voluntary offering in the alternative payment model portfolio. The organizations believe there is sufficient evidence of the model successfully meeting the necessary legal standard to expand its duration and scope.
“Current Next Generation ACOs have proven that this model saves money and improves the quality of care for patients,” said Jeff Micklos, Executive Director, HCTTF. “Models that have been tested and proven to reduce costs and improve quality should be expanded and made into a permanent option. Medicare’s Next Gen ACO program is ready for this next step.”
The Task Force and undersigned organizations share the agency’s commitment to creating a healthcare system that delivers high quality, coordinated care to all patients.
American Academy of Family Physicians • American College of Physicians • AMGA • America’s Physician Groups • Health Care Transformation Task Force • Medical Group Management Association • National Association of ACOs • Next Generation ACO Coalition • Partnership to Empower Physician-Led Care • Premier
Read the Letter Here
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Clare Pierce-Wrobel