HCTTF Joins Coalition Letter Urging Congress to Support Health Care Providers Participating in Value-Based Models

The Health Care Transformation Task Force and other organizations who strongly support the movement away from the current fee-for-service (FFS) system toward value-based care, wrote to express appreciation for the significant efforts underway by Congress to address the COVID-19 pandemic and to assist clinicians and hospitals. As part of these efforts, we urge Congress to support health care providers participating in value-based models by allocating additional provider relief funds to assist their efforts to not only combat the COVID-19 pandemic but to support their continued participation in value-based models.

Physicians and other providers have had to address numerous challenges during the pandemic to continue safely caring for patients and their families, with financial strain chief among those challenges. Providers operating under FFS payments continue to face significant declines in revenue as utilization rates declined sharply and suddenly and have not yet rebounded to pre-pandemic levels. We greatly appreciate Congress supporting these physicians, and we request that Congress also provide direct support for those operating under value-based payment (VBP) models. The additional support is paramount in ensuring the continued shift away from the fragile, non-resilient FFS payment model toward value-based, high-quality care.

Summary of the Coalition Letter to Congress

  1. We urge Congress to consider allocating additional providers relief funds to specifically assist clinicians in continuing their efforts to not only combat the COVID-19 pandemic, but support and advance the movement to VBP, specifically innovative payment models. 
  2. Congress should solicit input from current VBP participants regarding investment opportunities that would help to facilitate increased adoption of Alternative Payment Models (APMs).
  3. We urge Congress to support clinicians in APMs through this challenging time and consider other innovative ideas to help providers move away from fee-for-service payment.


Read the Letter