31 Oct The Task Force Provides Input to Congress on Approaches to Improve MACRA
Posted at 13:49h
in Policy Communications
Today, the Task Force responded to a Request for Information issued by eight Representatives in Congress seeking feedback on approaches to improve the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA). HCTTF feedback included recommendations for short term and long term Congressional priorities including:
- Stabilizing provider payments in the face of record inflation to enable ongoing system transformation efforts;
- Establishing a clear national strategy for transitioning the majority of Medicare providers and beneficiaries into health care delivery models that promote high quality, equitable, and patient centered care;
- Extending the Advanced APM incentive payments to encourage APM adoption;
- Allowing CMS greater authority to set Qualifying Physician thresholds; and
- Expanding opportunities for APM participants by creating a third Quality Payment Program track designed to incentivize APM participation as well as Advanced APM participation.