HCTTF Value Partnership Evaluation Tool

The Health Care Transformation Task Force developed the Partnership Evaluation Tool (“Tool”) to support leaders as they assess potential partner organizations – or themselves – for readiness to engage in successful value-based partnerships. This interactive Tool is designed around a set of core competencies determined to be necessary for successful partnerships; it can also double as a self-assessment tool for organizations to benchmark their own readiness to enter into risk arrangements and track areas for improvement.

Evaluators can use the Tool to assess potential partners – including providers, payers, and purchasers – on several general and category-specific competencies. Because organizations may change over time in their infrastructure and leadership support for value partnerships, it is advised that the tool be redeployed at various stages (e.g., at least annually) throughout a partnership lifecycle to track progress or to monitor internal capacity, in the case of self-evaluation.

Evaluators may also customize the weight of each competency in the evaluation based on how important it is to the organization, modify the statements to reflect the organization’s priorities, and set a minimum acceptable score to move forward with partnership discussions. The Tool also supports evaluators in documenting supporting evidence and ultimately establishing a quantitatively-derived recommendation on whether a partnership is viable based on qualitative criteria.

The Task Force has made this tool available for free download below
  1. Partnership Evaluation Tool (.xlsx)  Version 2 released on 3.11.19 
  2. User Guide (.pdf)  Version 2 released 4.17.19 to include additional instructions for customization
  3. Executive Summary Template 

View the Tutorial


Contact info@hcttf.org with questions or feedback