Supplemental benefits are additional services offered by Medicare Advantage (MA) plans other than Part A and Part B benefits. Historically, CMS required supplemental benefits to be an item of service that was not covered by traditional Medicare, but was primarily health related, like dental and...

Statement by Jeff Micklos, Executive Director, Health Care Transformation Task Force “The Health Care Transformation Task Force (HCTTF) members and staff extend our congratulations to Brad Smith on his appointment as Director for the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation. Director Smith’s extensive experience in innovative...

In this letter, the Task Force comment on the referenced Office of Inspector General, Department of Health & Human Services (OIG) proposed rule addressing the anti-kickback and civil monetary penalty laws (“Proposed Rule”). HCTTF recognizes that the OIG’s Proposed Rule is one part of a...

In this letter, the Task Force responds to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services' Oncology Care First model Request for Information (RFI). Task Force members have built, operated, and participated in various alternative payment models, including episodes of care models that engage specialists in...

WASHINGTON (November 6, 2019) – The Health Care Transformation Task Force (HCTTF or Task Force) announced today that Doctor On Demand has joined its membership. Established in 2014, the Task Force is a multi-sector industry consortium comprised of organizations representing patients, payers, providers and purchasers committed...