The Health Care Transformation Task Force (HCTTF or Task Force) shared feedback with CMS on the development of mandatory value-based payment models. As CMS develops future mandatory models, we believe this feedback will be useful in the design and implementation of mandatory models that will...

WASHINGTON (May 7, 2019) – The Health Care Transformation Task Force (HCTTF or Task Force) announced today that Families USA has joined its membership. With more than 40 organizations representing patients, payers, providers and purchasers committed to accelerating the adoption of value-based payment and care delivery...

As CMS considers the design of future advanced risk models, the Health Care Transformation Task Force provided feedback on the existing set of waivers available to Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation model participants to inform an approach that will lead to meaningful, consistent, and...

Ideal person-centered, value-driven health care involves consumers in all aspects of decision-making about their health care. In practice, however, most health care delivery falls far short of achieving this goal. The Health Care Transformation Task Force has created this implementation framework for engaging consumers in...

HEALTH CARE TRANSFORMATION TASK FORCE RELEASES CONSUMER ENGAGEMENT IN CARE DELIVERY RESOURCE New Provider-focused Implementation Framework Includes Checklists and Case Studies    WASHINGTON (March 28, 2019) – The Health Care Transformation Task Force (HCTTF or Task Force), a group of leading health care payers, providers, purchasers and patient...

The Health Care Transformation Task Force developed a Value Partnership Evaluation Tool to support leaders as they assess potential partner organizations – or themselves – for readiness to engage in successful value-based partnerships. This interactive tool is designed around a set of core competencies determined to...

In this letter, the Task Force responds to the Senate HELP Committee’s questions regarding specific actions that Congress and the administration can take to lower health care costs and incentivize care that improves health outcomes and increases the ability for patients to access the information...